The wooden front folding bench is compatible with the all 700 series grills in Australia. It is not only super handy but also looks great.
A stainless steel bench option is now available too which attaches to the same folding mounting brackets. An existing wooden bench can be easily replaced with stainless steel bench (and vice versa). Click here to learn more.

Z Grills Smoker 7002B and 700E-XL models starting in 2021 have the mounting screws already on the left and right of the drum ready to mount the brackets. Older grills can also be fitted by drilling holes using a stencil that can be provided.

Assembly and Installation
Please note the temperature conversion chart shown on the board in the video is no longer present on boards. The Food Temperature Guide provides a convenient reference of cooking temperatures.
Older Grills (using stencil)
If you have an older grill that does NOT already have the mounting screws on the left and right of the drum, check out the video below for instructions.
If the stiff plastic stencil is not in the box (is not included with newer benches), please contact us and we can mail you out one, or you can download and print out this stencil on A4 white paper at 100% size. Once printed, check to make sure 10cm line on the stencil is exactly 10cm.
Protecting the Wood
The wooden Front Folding Bench and is made from compressed, laminated bamboo with an oil coating and is safe for contact with food. Regularly treating the wood with food grade wax/oil is highly recommended to keep the wood water resistant and to prevent it drying out.
Dry Areas = Wax/Oil
If you live in less humid parts of Australia (such as Melbourne) and don’t store the grill under the cover all the time then waxing or oiling the board is recommended. This will help to protect against mould and and prevent drying out and cracking.
A great local Aussie made option is LA Sawdust Board Goop which we use on our boards and love. Click here to visit their page.

Many brands of wooden board oils and waxes are available, but ensure they are food grade if planning to put food on the board.
Do NOT use cooking oils such as olive or canola that will go rancid over time and actually encourage the growth of mould and bacteria.
Make sure the board is dry before oiling or waxing. Sit out in the sun for a few hours if required.
If using a thin oil, apply to the board and then wipe dry with paper towel so there are no drips.
For thicker oils and waxes, apply a thin even layer.
Place the board in a warm sunny location. Sunlight kills any bacteria and the warmth will help thin the oil allowing it to soak into the wood even better.
For best results complete monthly, especially if the board is regularly wet.
Humid Locations = Varnish
In humid environments, especially if the waterproof cover is often on the grill, the front folding bench may become mouldy. For these locations it is recommended to coat the wood with outdoor furniture varnish/oil.
Z Grills owners have reported great results using the Feast Watson Outdoor Furniture Oil which is widely available in Australia.

Please note that such varnishes/oils are not food grade, so do not place food directly on the front folding bench once treated.
High Temperature Cooking
Cleaning off mould
If a board gets moist (common in very humid climates) it can grow mould and bacteria. If this happens prepare a mix of 1 part bleach, 4 parts water.
Spray the board, leave for 2-3 minutes and then wipe off with a paper towel.
If surface mould is still visible, use very fine 600 grit sandpaper to take a fine layer off the wood.
Once thoroughly dry (sit in the sun for a while if required) consider varnishing with an outdoor wooden furniture varnish for better protection than oil/wax.